He4therlouise's ShopAverage Rating3.93(based on 1927 reviews)An English and Sociology teacher in a large academy in Oxford. Edit shopAdd a resource
he4therlouiseEngaging Audience through Language(1)Engaging audience through language - close textual analysis.
he4therlouiseKey Features of a Magazine Article(1)Have we got what it takes to be a journalist? Identifying key features of a newspaper article.
he4therlouiseJohn Agard APP Journey to a Poem(3)Assessing Pupil Progress looking at John Agard's poem Half Caste and an interview with him.
he4therlouiseThe Chimney Sweeper - Rhyme, Character and PEA(1)Rhyme Hotseating Point, evidence, analysis
he4therlouisePreludes by T.S. Elliot - Imagery(1)Imagery in the Preludes; writing their own poem full of imagery
he4therlouiseThe Terrible Fate of Humpty Dumpty Lesson 3(1)Flashback Formal and informal writing Mongologues
he4therlouiseThe Terrible Fate of Humpty Dumpty Scheme of Work(2)The Terrible Fate of Humpty Dumpty Scheme of Work
he4therlouiseOf Mice and Men: Letter to Miss Luce(6)Steinbeck's letter to Miss Luce; who was the first actress to play Curley's wife. Aligned with Common Core State Standard: RI.9-10.1, RI.9-10.2, RI.9-10.3, RL.9-10.2, RL.9-10.3